lunes, 8 de octubre de 2007

My favorite web site...

Really ... I don't have a favorite web site, but I visit some sites very often.

Some of them are Google, to do my works for the university and search information.

Other web site is my Fotolog ( this it's my start page in my Pc. I discoverd it thank to a friend, she's called Ana, a day she said to me

"Jhoy, makes fotolog ... to see you"

Because since the school we do not see.

I visit my fotolog one time a day, usually for see my messages.

I like because it's my space, I design it (the colours, the font, the space ... every) and my friends send to me a messages and greetings. In addition, I can write of everything and to load photographies.

This way I stay in contact with my friends, all the time and I don't need to be connected all the day.

For a create your own Fotolog page, you must enter in and follow the instruccions, it's very easy.

4 comentarios:

Felipe dijo...

yeah! google its a really cool website i like it too!.

Max o dijo...

What a joy to see you're fotolog!
(fit-fiuuuuuu, mothersita, jajajajaja in spanish would be a "mamasita" jajaja). there are a lot of nice pictures, and funny ones too.
Good suerte Jhoy! ajjaja

catarazz dijo...

Hi Jhoy :P

catarazz dijo...

Hi Jhoy :P