I never decided study Geography. When I left school and the PSU took and finally I had my results in this moment I started thinking about that study. According my interests the Geography was what I like most, because I don’t like themes related whit the blood, such as medicine, veterinary, for example. So … that the Geography is a subject ideal.
In 10 years more I create the International Organization of Geography, and I will be the president, then all other geographers will be my subordinates. Besides having to give me 10% of their salary for my accreditation. I will be the boss of all of you.
The Geographers know many themes, because that they have a good knowledge base for integrating all the variables that may affect our planet. For that reason the geographers can save the planet.
The technology brings to every moment new tools for the exercise of the Geography. Elements such as GPS are indispensables for the work in all areas, for example. Maybe in the future new element will be indispensables for the Geography.
In the Geography, my favorite subject is the physical area, such the study of the earthquakes, volcanoes and all kind of natural phenomena. Really, I don’t have any type of subject under special, but that type of the Geography is that I like.
7 comentarios:
youuuuuu??? a president of what????????? wuajajajajaajaja, it's very funny dream, but you dream is the most stupid that i heard. . it's a joke. love you my dear friend.....
kiss for you....
AJAJAJAJAJAJ!!!! I will create too an International Organization of Geography and I will the best president of the galaxy!
hi Barwoman!!!!
another wants more than save the planet, better invitame a drink
You are a person with very ideal plans But if your plans make real...I will call you...
This is the actitude!!!!! Jajaa I like the womans with dreams and proyects, I hope that someday you can to realize this dream, and when you will achieve remember of my!!! jaja....
Just one kiss, jaja
I can be you are assistant???
and who much my pay?
jejeje bye bye
I can be you are assistant???
and who much my pay?
jejeje bye bye
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